Terms of Service

All of our customers must agree to the following before we may provide service:

Liability: You acknowledge and agree that Recognition IT shall not be responsible under any circumstances for any loss or corruption of data, software, or hardware. Under no circumstances shall Recognition IT be liable to you or any other person for damages, including without limitation any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, expenses, profits, lost savings or earnings, lost or corrupted data, or any other liability arising out of or related to services provided.

Ready By Date: Recognition IT will use Recognition IT best efforts to resolve customer’s technical problems in a professional, reasonable, and timely manner. Recognition IT will provide an estimated completion date for your equipment service and will contact you once work is complete. Please review the Get Help Ticket Status Report, or call the Recognition IT office if you require an updated estimated completion date. Unforeseen circumstances may have an impact on our ability to complete service(s) as expected. Recognition IT does not assure every request for technical support will be resolved.

Impact of Upgrades: Please be advised it is your responsibility to understand the impact of upgrades to IT Equipment. Such upgrades may lead to incompatibilities and possible data loss. IT equipment and software work together and incompatibilities may not become apparent until a later date. Customers may be responsible for contacting the relevant software or hardware manufacturer(s) regarding compatibility issues occurring after service is completed.

Loss of Data: Data is the most important part of IT equipment because it is often irreplaceable. Due to the process of repair, data may be damaged or at worst, deleted. Recognition IT will not accept liability for any loss of data as a result of service/repair. You are responsible for backing up your data.

Ownership: You must own the IT equipment you ask Recognition IT to service. Recognition IT will return IT equipment only to the owner when services are completed. You must own and demonstrate ownership of any software that is to be installed or re-installed on your IT equipment by Recognition IT by bringing in any original Software CDs, license codes, license keys, and/or serial numbers.

Privacy: Our Technicians will not browse through data on your IT equipment, however, they may inadvertently see data during the course of their work. It is your responsibility to remove any private data you do not want others to see prior to service. Recognition IT may be required to report illegal content including unlicensed software or data such as images or videos to law enforcement agencies if discovered.

Right to Refuse: In its sole discretion, Recognition IT reserves the right to refuse work it believes to be beyond the scope of its ability or detrimental to its staff and ongoing business

Payment: You agree to pay Recognition IT in full, via cash or credit, for services rendered.

Abandonment: If you do not pick up your equipment within sixty (60) days after we notify you the requested service is complete, we will treat your equipment as abandoned. You agree to hold Recognition IT harmless for any damage or loss of the abandoned property. Any and all charges for service are still your responsibility. Unpaid bills exceeding ninety (90) days may be submitted to collection services.